Please help Team Water Store raise $2000 in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Simcoe
We have put together a team for the Sixth Annual Amazing Rally in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Simcoe. This event consists of driving throughout Huronia and competing in challenges at 15 or so check points during 5 hours on Sunday, May 25. For more information see http://www.kidsdomatter.com/en/Home/events/amazingrally.aspx
Or check out our video at:
I”m the car enthusiast of the team, so I selected the perfect vehicle for this event, my 47 year old Chevy II with it”s totally original (unreliable) mechanical condition, no air conditioning, no automatic transmission and most importantly, no radio. It seemed the perfect choice to me! The attached picture from last years event shows our team hiding the mis-matched paint and rust on our “rally car”. …Not sure how the Pillsbury Dough Boy ended up on Sheryl”s head though!
“Team Water Store” consists of 3 members, instead of the typical 2 for an event like this because, should the inevitable happen, we will need two people to push and one to steer. My wife, Sheryl and brother Rick complete our team. Sheryl”s the artist in the group, who will hopefully be inspiring us with her positive thinking during the event, Rick is the brains and we will be relying on him to solve some of the challenges, while I”m the driver. I figure my past experience driving cars around race tracks like Mosport at speeds of up to 200 kph should have prepared me for piloting this beast up to its cruising speed of just below the speed limit, any speed limit!
I am asking you to sponsor me for this event. Last year our team raised about $1600 and I am hoping that with your support this year we will reach our goal of $2000! Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Simcoe is a great cause and any amount you choose to sponsor me for would be greatly appreciated. You can sponsor me electronically at
http://northsimcoe.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1108247&lis=1&kntae1108247=ACA84D5A843E4B4D8E91A1041876B886&supId=405951645 or you can stop by The Water Store in Midland and complete the pledge form there.
Thank you for your support.
Gary Beutler
PS. Should you decide to come out to cheer us on, on Sunday the event finishes at 4pm at Saint Marie among the Hurons but it is far more likely that you will see us at the start, at the Pillsbury Parking lot at 11am than you will see us, on time, at the finish…just sayin!